返回 【吸血鬼日记】第一季第十六集(2) Elena&Stefan


Elena和Stefan答应和Caroline&Matt四人约会了~好像正常的人类生活又开始了...(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
Elena: ______1_______
Stefan: Well, I figured it's a date, why not dot right? I would have driven, too, but you're the one with the car.
Elena: You know, you’d think that for someone who was around when the car was invented, that you'd have one.
Stefan: Oh, I have one. _______2_______
Elena: You know, it’s not too late to cancel.
Stefan: ________3_________
Elena: I don't know. It just seems surreal. Like maybe we weren't meant to get to the normal part.
Stefan: It’s exactly why we're going to do it. __________4__________ Listen, when I decided to stay here and to get to know you, it was so that I could do things like this. I could bring my girlfriend flowers, take her out on a date, try to be normal.
Elena: Have you ever even been on a double date before?
Stefan: Oh, absolutely. Um,72. Heff and the twins.
Elena: What?
Stefan: Yeah. playmates. I got miss June.
Elena: Are you serious?


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