返回 【吸血鬼日记】第二季第三集(1) Caroline & Stefan



老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~注意标点哦,有些不用大写的哦~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
Tips:serial: 连续的 blow off: 惹某人生气 sort of: 有那么点儿 amplify: 放大closet: 最亲近的 humanity: 人性

Caroline: So what do I do when I see the rabbit?
Stefan: _______1______
Caroline: Isn't killing cute, defenseless animals, _______2______
Stefan: Well, you sort of skipped serial killer and went straight to vampire.Hey, Caroline, if you're not serious about all this, I think you should tell me.
Caroline: No. I am.Look, I swear that I am! Ok. But it's just...I haven't been in the sun for days.And everyone's at the swimming hole having fun,and Matt is there. And he finally told me that he loved me. _______3______ And now you want me to eat bunnies.And I'm kinda freaking out, ok?!Whew.And now you're laughing at me.
Stefan: No. No. I'm not laughing. None of this is funny, trust me.It's just that, uh...
Caroline: What?!
Stefan: When somebody becomes a vampire, _______4______
Caroline: What do you mean?
Stefan: I mean, _______5______ If they were hurting, I felt their pain.And I felt guilty if I was the one that caused it.And as a vampire,All of that got...magnified.
Caroline: So you're saying that now I'm basically an insecure,neurotic, control freak on crack.
Stefan: Well, I wasn't gonna say it like that.But...Hey, listen. Let's hunt. Ok?And then after that,we'll go to the swimming hole.
Caroline: Really?!
Stefan: Yeah. _______6______
Caroline: Ok!
Stefan: Come on.
Caroline: Ok.



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