返回 【吸血鬼日记】第二季第九集(1) Katherine & Elena



老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
wither: 枯萎;凋谢;衰弱
wither away: 枯萎
bribe: 贿赂,收买
keepsake: 纪念品
mummify: 成木乃伊状;干瘪
indiscretion: 轻率,言行失检
tolerate: 忍受,默许,宽恕
nobleman: 贵族


Katherine: You come to watch me wither away? Goodbye, Caroline.
Elena: As long as I stay on this side of the door, she can't hurt me. Please.
Katherine: Stefan know you're here?
Elena: I brought you some things.
Katherine: _______1______
Elena: I want you to tell me about Klaus.
Katherine: Mmm. You've been busy.
Elena: _______2______
Katherine: You think that if you brought me some family keepsake, that I'd open up?
Elena: I also brought you this. You don't look so good. How long before your body shuts down?10, 20 years? Must be painful to desiccate and mummify. I can't even imagine.
Katherine: You have the Petrova fire.
Elena: More blood?
Katherine: It's a long story, Klaus and I, goes all the way back to England, 1492,after I left Bulgaria, or was thrown out.
Elena: Thrown out?
Katherine: My family, your true ancestors...They disowned me. My indiscretions were not tolerated at that time. I had a baby out of wedlock. The shame.
Elena: It was kept secret?
Katherine: Mm... hmm. _______3______I was taken with him at first, until I found out what he was and what he wanted from me...and then_______4______


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