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       Scott的队伍饥寒交迫,Edgar Evans去世了,Oates的双脚失去了知觉......


  On March 9th they found another depot, but there was not much food. Slowly, they walked on. Oates's feet were worse every day.

  March 17th was Oates's birthday.                                    (1)                                       He was very cold, very hungry, and very very tired.

  He wrote a letter to his mother and gave it to Wilson. Then he got up, and opened the door of the tent.                       (2)                         Scott, Wilson, and Bowers looked at him. They didn't speak.

  'I'm going outside for a minute,' Oates said. 'I may be some time.'

  They didn't see him again.

  At Cape Evans, the Englishmen waited. On December 11th, Meares and the dogs came back. On January 3rd, Teddy Evans and his two men arrived at Cape Evans. The Terra Nova came, and went. Winter began. Scott did not come.

  The Englishmen waited all winter at Cape Evans. Then, on October 26th 1912, they started for the south. Two weeks later, they found a tent.

  There were three bodies in the tent—Scott, Wilson, and Bowers. They put the bodies under the snow.                                       (3)                                          

  In Scott's diary they read: Oates died like a good Englishman. We all did.                                (4)                             We did our best.

     No one found Oates's body.                                (5)                               in the coldest, emptiest place on earth.

                                                   The end



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