返回 【小说广场】歌剧院的幽灵(17)




  When Christine came onto the stage, her face was white and she looked afraid. But she sang like an angel. Ah, what a voice! All Paris was in love with Christine Daaé.

  She began to sing the famous love song. Suddenly, every light in the Opera House went out.                                     (1)                                  

  But Christine Daaé was no longer on the stage! She was not behind the stage, she was not under the stage. Nobody could find her.

  The Opera House went mad. Everybody ran here and there, shouted and called.                            (2)                               The police came, and asked questions. But nobody could answer the questions. Monsieur Armand got angry and shouted, and Monsieur Firmin told him to be quiet. Then Madame Giry arrived in the office with her daughter Meg.

  'Go away, woman!' Monsieur Armand shouted.

  'Monsieur,                           (3)                           ' Madame Giry said. 'Meg, tell the directors your story.'

  This was Meg's story.

  'When the lights went out, we were just behind the stage. We heard a scream—I think it was Christine Daaé's voice. Then the lights came back on, but Christine wasn't there!                                         (4)                                           There were people running everywhere!  Then we saw the Vicomte de Chagny. His face was red and he was very angry. "Where's Christine? Where's Christine?" he shouted.                                  (5)                                   He said something to the Vicomte and they went into Christine Daaé's dressing-room…'

  'Yes? And then?' Monsieur Firmin said quickly. 'What happened next?'

  'Nobody knows!' Meg's face was white. 'We looked into Christine Daaé's dressing-room, but…but there was nobody there!'



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