返回 【小说广场】阿拉丁和神灯(9)




                                     Chapter 3   The ring and the lamp

      When he got there, his mother was very happy to see him. 'Oh, Aladdin!' she cried. 'What happened to you? And where is your uncle?'

      'Abanazar is not my uncle, Mother.                                (1)                                 ' Then Aladdin told his mother all about the fire, the magic stone, and the garden under the ground. 'Oh, I am very tired, Mother,' he said. 'I must sleep.'

      Aladdin closed his eyes and slept for many hours. The next morning he opened his eyes and said: 'Mother, I'm hungry!'

      'My son, I'm sorry,' she said. 'We have no rice or meat in the house. We have nothing.                                            (2)                                               '

      Then Aladdin remembered the lamp from the garden.
'Wait a minute, Mother,' he said. 'Take this lamp and sell that first.'

      'That dirty old thing?' Aladdin's mother said. 'I must clean it first.' She began to rub it and ?



      'I am the slave of the lamp,' cried the jinnee. 'What is your wish, mistress?'

      Aladdin's mother was afraid and could not speak, but Aladdin said: 'Bring rice and meat to us. We are hungry.'

      The jinnee went away, and came back in a second with rice, meat, bread, and fruit on twelve gold plates. He put the plates in front of them and went away.

      Aladdin and his mother ate and ate.                                              (4)                                                

                                  (5)                               And when the jinnee came, Aladdin said: 'Bring us rice and meat.' And every day he sold the gold plates.

      Soon, Aladdin and his mother were rich.



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