返回 【耶鲁公开课:心理学导论】Lesson 1 导论 (17)


Capgras syndrome is typically - there's hundreds of cases, not many - hundreds of cases. __1__. You develop a particular delusion, like it's getting dark. And the delusion is that __2__. They've been replaced by __3__- thank you - by Martians, by CIA agents, by trained actors and actresses. But the people--But the idea is, __4__. And this could lead to __5__.
Capgras syndrome is associated with a very high level of __6__. One man in Australia a couple of years ago was under the delusion that his father __7__. A related disorder involving the very same parts of the brain is called Cotard's syndrome. And Cotard's syndrome is you believe that __8__; you are persuaded that you're dead. You're walking around. You know you're walking around. And you know that there are people around, but you think that you're dead. And what's striking about these is--it's not--these are not just sort of big, screwy problems of messed up people. Rather, they're located--they're related at __9__. And we're going to talk about the best modern theories as to why these syndromes occur.


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