返回 【欲望都市】S01E01-3 Miranda V.S Skipper


星期五的混乱酒吧。Carrie在继续她的研究,而她的朋友们则有着各自的“猎物”。 今天就先来看看“无可救药的浪漫主义分子”Skipper是怎么追求Miranda的吧~

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>

C:It was just like that bar in Cheers where ''everybody knows your name''. [---1---] Still, it was the crème de la crème of New York, whipped into a frenzy.Sometimes you got a soufflè, sometimes had a cheese.

M: [---2---] Is there a woman here aside from me that weighs more than a 100 pounds?
S: I know, it's like under-eaters anonymous.
M: That's funny, Skippy.
S: Skipper.
M: I have this theory that men secretly hate pretty girls because they feel that they're the ones who rejected them in high school.
S: Right.But if you're not part of the beauty Olympics, [---3---]
M: Are you saying that I'm not pretty enough?
S: No, no nooo..of course you are.
M: So if that fact, I can't be interesting? Women need fall into one of two categories, [---4---] Is that what you are saying, Skippy?
S: No, that's not what I meant.
M: Excuse me, is this your hand on my knee?
S: No.
M: Alright.Let's just keep them where I can see them,all right? [---5---] Or interesting.
C: I was about to rescue Skipper from an increasingly hopeless situation, when suddenly...

Carrie又遇见了她的“实验对象”、、 会发生些什么呢~?下期揭晓!


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