返回 【欲望都市】S01E09-4 兔子登场



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-Wow! A guy who doesn't want to get married! Film at 11 !

-Don't tell me you're surprised about this.

-You know who wants to get married? Men who miss their mommies.


-Am I the only one who thinks this is a major bummer? What if you spend five years with him, and have nothing to show for it?

-I wasn't even thinking about any marriage till he told me l couldn't think about. Now it's all I think about!

-Just be cool, you don't care. Then he'll wonder why you don't [--2--]. And then it's another new ball game.

-So in your world, it's always sixth grade?

-I think that a relationship has to [--3--] if it has any chance of succeeding.

-Okay. If you were 25, that would be adorable, but you're 32 now, so that's just stupid.

-I can't just ignore it, can l?

-No! (Yes!)

-What's the big deal? In 50 years, [--4--]. I mean, already you can't talk to them, you don't need them to have kids with you, you don't even need them for sex any more, [--5--].

-Sounds like somebody just got their first vibrator?

-Not first, ultimate. And I think I'm in love. 


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