返回 【专八新闻系列】第一期1/3



A leader of the Islamist movement Hamas, who'd argued for (1)___________against Israelis, has been killed by an Israelie air strike against Gaza. Nizar Rayyan's house was bombed in the first (2)_________ on a Hamas leader in nearly a week of Israeli air raids. At least 10 other people, including some of Nizar Rayyan's wives and children, were killed. Mushir al-Masri, a spokesman for Hamas(3) _____ the action and warned of great consequences for Israel.

This is a serious development in Zionist (4)____(5) ____ and(6) ___ against the sons of the Palestinian people. Targeting an entire square and houses in a clear manner is a (7)______ crime. The Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has ruled out the prospect of a ceasefire to allow aid into Gaza. Speaking in Paris where she met President Sarkozy, Mrs. Livni said there was no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. She said it's really campaign weakening Hamas by destroying its (8)________. The spokeswoman for the Israeli military, Major Avital Leibovitz, said rocket attacks by Hamas were decreasing.

The average capability of Hamas is to launch something like 200 rockets a day. And currently, the number has decreased to something between 40 and 80 a day. Now it's not a complete (9)______, however, it is weakening their capability, but this is only the sixth day, you know, these things take time and it's really(10)______ to assess the rate of success.

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