返回 【美国公民60秒】民主的要素-多数决和少数权益


Read before listening:

1. What "majority" means?

In medieval Europe, "the majority" derived from the Latin "major pars" or the "weightier part" of a kingdom. The term referred to a few powerful nobles who were "weightier" or more substantial and consequential than the common people. With the rise of democratic thought, however, the principle of political equality that "each is to count for one and for no more than one" has meant that numbers, not social position, determine the meaning of "majority."

What "minority" means?

"Minority" has more than one meaning. It may refer to a recognizable group, such as an ethnicity, political party, religion, or religious sect; or it may refer more simply to those losing a vote of any kind: the majority wins the vote; those on the losing side are "the minority".

2. Constitutional requirement:

Acceptance of a common constitution by all elements of a community is required to prevent the "majority principle" from being a "tyranny of the majority." The "majority principle" can be applied only after all of the elements of a proposed political community have agreed to live under a common constitution. Failure to respect this idea places societies in danger of civil war.


Why are the "majority rule" and "minority rights" principles necessary and what is their relationship?


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