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1.【CRI新闻】系列听写,选用中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)的相关国际新闻内容。
2.本期新闻摘要: 继续钓鱼岛事件 广东台风 中国与哥斯达黎加共同深化其经济合作 朝鲜洪灾 厄瓜多尔坚持为维基解密创始人提供政治避难 联合国结束其叙利亚任务

China says Japan's unilateral moves against Chinese nationals "illegal, invalid"

China says any of Japan's____1____  .China's Foreign Ministry made the statement after Japan decided to release 14- Chinese nationals it detained early this week.The 14-activists were arrested when they went to the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea on Wednesday to assert China's sovereignty over the islands.Japanese media say the activists, who are currently in Okinawa Prefecture, may be released this Friday afternoon by plane or boat.Further plans are being discussed.

Typhoon Kai-Tak lands in Guangdong

Typhoon Kai-Tak, this year's 13th, has landed in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong.As Kai-Tak approached, ____2____Hainan, while flights were canceled in Beihai, a city in Guangxi.Authorities have raised the emergency response level.Before moving into to China, Kai-Tak killed 8 people and displaced nearly 90-thousand in the Philippines.China has been battered by tropical storms this month, with typhoon Saola, Damrey and Haikui leaving over 50 people dead.

Chinese and Costa Rican leaders work to deepen economic cooperation

Chinese President Hu Jintao has met with his Costa Rican counterpart to try to extend the relationship between the two countries.Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla is currently on a week-long trip here to China.The two sides have .The Costa Rican ____3____.Costa Rican President is also promising to improve her country's visa policy for Chinese tourists.

Hu Jintao expresses sympathy over NK flooding

Chinese President Hu Jintao has expressed his sympathy and concern to North Korea over damages caused by the recent flooding.President Hu Jintao made the comments during a meeting with Jang Song Thaek, chief of the central administrative department of the Workers' Party of Korea.Hu Jintao says China believes North Korea will____4____  .Earlier, Jang singed an agreement with Chinese Minister of Commerce Chen Deming to set up a joint steering committee for developing two trade zones.

Ecuador grants asylum to Assange, angering Britain

Ecuador's decision to grant asylum to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has angered Britain.British Foreign Secretary William Hague says London will not be allowing Assange safe passage out of the country:"We're disappointed by the statement by Ecuador's Foreign Minister today that Ecuador has offered political asylum to Julian Assange. It's important to understand that this is not about Mr Assange's attitudes at WikiLeaks or the attitude of the United States of America. He is wanted in Sweden to answer allegations of serious sexual offences. We are____5____ to Sweden."Ecuador's Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino says his country fears for the safety of Assange.Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in June to avoid extradition to Sweden.Earlier, Britain had threatened to raid the Ecuadorian embassy to arrest Assange and extradite him to Sweden.

UN Syria mission to end

The United Nations is due to end its monitoring mission in Syria this Sunday, just days before its mandate expires.A 30-person strong civilian office is going to be set up in Damascus to maintain political contact with Syria.The UN mission, which was set up in April, has been part of Kofi Annan's 6-point peace plan.The____6____.


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