返回 【CRI新闻填空】370 日本右翼成员登上钓鱼岛


1.【CRI新闻】系列听写,选用中国国际广播电台(China Radio International)的相关国际新闻内容。
2.本期新闻摘要: 多名日本右翼成员登上钓鱼岛 拟到最高点插国旗 叙利亚阿盟新代表 台风导致石油泄漏 房价上涨 穆斯林斋戒 无烟环境

China lodges solemn representations with Japan on Diaoyu Islands

China has lodged solemn representations with Japan as some Japanese lawmakers and members of right-wing groups plan to go to the Diaoyu Islands waters to hold activities.Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qin Gang said China has____1____  . He said any unilateral action taken by Japan on the Diaoyu Islands is illegal and invalid, stressing that Japan's unilateral actions will not change the fact that the Diaoyu Islands are China's inherent territory. Some Japanese lawmakers and members of right-wing groups plan to go to the Diaoyu Islands waters to mourn war dead in World War II Saturday evening.

China welcomes appointment of new Syria representative: FM spokesman

China says it welcomes the appointment of Lakhadar Brahimi, a veteran Algerian diplomat, as the joint special representative of the United Nations and the Arab League for Syria to replace Kofi Annan.Foreign Ministry Qin Gang says Brahimi,____2____ . The Spokesman says China hopes Brahimi will adhere to the direction of a political solution for Syria, urge all parties in Syria to cease fire and end the violence as soon as possible and implement UN Security Council resolutions, Annan's six-point proposal and the Geneva communique agreed upon by the Action Group meeting of major world powers on June 30 so as to promote a peaceful, fair and appropriate resolution of the issue. He says China will actively support and cooperate with Brahimi's mediation efforts.

Typhoon-triggered oil spill cleaned up in S China province

An oil spill triggered by typhoon Kai-Tak in the south China city of Beihai has been cleaned up, according to a local official.Typhoon Kai-Tak, the 13th tropical storm of the year, has left one dead and two missing in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region so far, and about 110,000 residents there remain threatened. Typhoon Kai-Tak affected 1.74 million people in nearby Guangdong province before making landfall in Guangxi yesterday ,____3____  yuan (315 million U.S. dollars).

More Chinese cities see home prices rebound in July

More Chinese cities saw home prices rise in July from June,____4____  .The National Bureau of Statistics says in July, 50 cities, up from 25 in June, out of a statistical pool of 70 major cities recorded higher new home prices than a month earlier.

Muslims embrace fast-breaking festival in NW China

After a month of fasting, hundreds of thousands of Muslims in northwest China's Qinghai Province went to mosques to celebrate the end of Ramadan on Saturday.Due to different religious sects, Qinghai starts the festival on Saturday, while other Muslim-populated regions, including Xinjiang and Ningxia, will celebrate the festival on Sunday. Ramadan is a festival of fasting and spiritual reflection. During Ramadan, the ninth month of the year on the Muslim calendar, Muslims____5____.

China, United States cooperate on smoking control in workplaces

China and the United States have established the Sino-U.S. Partnership on Smoke-free Workplaces, pledging cemented efforts regarding tobacco control in workplaces.
The partnership was announced in a joint statement issued by the Ministry of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services of the United States. The two sides pledged to boost bilateral cooperation in the field within both the public and private sectors. The in workplaces____6____ .


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