返回 【绯闻女孩】S02E07-2Lily和Bart 组建的新家,Serena终究是不满意


对于这个Lily和Bart 组建的新家,Serena终究是不满意,还有那些为了Bart的生意而制定的家规。。。。。。

L: Oh, Serena, wait a minute. Would you excuse us, please?
Thank you.
S: So, [---1---]
L: Don't be childish.
S: Why not? You're treating me like one.
Isn't that who curfews are for?
L: [---2---]
According to Bart, you went out. . . . . .looking like a stripper.
If you have a problem. . . . . .then just say so.
But to simply defy us--
S: Not you. Him.
L: Bart and I are husband and wife.
S: But he's not our father. Come on, Mom. Things were so good last year.
We were almost like a real family. Why change that?
L: Serena, [---3---]
And going by your actions last night. . . . . .I think that you could benefit from a little structure.
S: If I thought this was you talking, I might listen.
L: If this is how you're acting now, [---4---]
S: You mean, like, three husbands ago?
L: That was unkind.
S: [---5---]
I think I'm gonna pass on tonight's little soiree.


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