返回 【绯闻女孩】S02E10-1 噢 little Jenny 看到自己的衣服化为灰烬的感想如何?


造化弄人 Jenny想要独签约 却被秘书的一个“弄错了电话号码”而让Agnes知道了 一气之下Agnes烧光了Jenny的所有作品并且警告Jenny 让她滚出自己的房间  噢 可怜的Jenny 你该怎样面对这样的情况呢 又有何感想呢?俗话说得好 要想人不知 除非己莫为

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J:Oh, hey.
A:Oh, __1__. He was ringing the buzzer for an hour.
J:My dad?  
J:Wait, __2__
A:You know, when I let you in, I had no idea you'd be such a little thief -- stealing my contact list and our whole business.
J:I wasn't stealing, Agnes --
A:You know, you think you're so talented and unique, don't you?
J:No, I don't.
A:You know, three weeks ago you were absolutely nothing. You were a little intern pinning my hem. It was my idea to do the fashion line. I found the photographer and the models for the fashion show. It was also my idea for the guerilla fashion show, and I have all the contacts!
J:I know. You're right, okay? You're right. __3__
A:Do you know how many " talented " artists there are living in Brooklyn Designing dresses?
J:Agnes, give me my dresses! What are you doing?!
A:These dresses are as much mine as they are yours. Now they belong to nobody.
A:Yes, I'm insane, Jenny!
J:What are you doing? Agnes? Don't! Agnes, please! These dresses are everything! They're my entire future! You are out of your mind! What the hell did you do, Agnes?!
A:You did this! Now by the time I get back, __5__

ps:【绯闻女孩】出节目单啦~\(≧▽≦)/~ 欢迎大家订阅~


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