返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】s01e03-6



      接上一期, 我们来继续看Barney和Ted在审问室的故事...

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
Police: Can't remember the last time I saw an international businessman with an untucked shirt. In addition, we received this footage, taken over the last few months.
Barney: Believe it or not, that duffle bag thing worked.
Ted: The truth is, my friend, he does this thing where he goes to airports with fake luggage to pick up girls. And we followed some here to Philadelphia. That's it. That's all this is.
Police: Nobody's that lame.
Ted: Yes, he's that lame. Tell him you're that lame.
Barney: We are international businessmen...
Ted: Oh, come on!
Police: Sir! Lower your voice or I will restrain you.
Barney: ____1____
Ted: We at least get to call our lawyer.
Barney: ____2____ We have a lawyer?
Marshall: Listen to me. ____3____ Don't let them pull any Patriot-Act voodoo. You both retain the right to refuse to answer any questions without an attorney present. So don't say anything until I get there, all right? Okay, goodbye. Philly~!The adventure continues. Destroy!

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