返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】s01e03-7



      终于, Ted和Barney叔被释放了, 那么箱子里到底放着些什么呢?...

<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
Ted: You had to play the race card.
Barney: ____1____ And, BTW, we'd be out of here by now if you'd have tucked in your shirt.
Police: Go ahead, JFK. What is the baggage status?
Police A: They're clean. It's just a whole bunch of condoms. And a PowerBar.
Police: ____2____
Ted: Don't come to Philly.
Marshall: Man, I'm almost halfway there.
Ted: Yeah, we just got released and we're heading back on the next flight. Meet us at MacLaren's. Maybe we can still make last call.
Marshall: Can't we just...
Ted: No, we can't "just," we're going home.
Barney: We're going to Sascha's.
Ted: Who the hell is Sascha?
Barney: Sascha. She's having friends over for drinks at her house. It's gonna be legend... Wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant, 'cause the second half of that word is "dairy."
Ted: No!
Barney: Legendary!
Marshall: Legendary. ____3____
Ted: No, Marshall, we're going back.
Marshall: Fine. Hold on, I have another call. Hello?
Barney: Marshall, we're going to Sascha's.
Ted: No, we're not.
Barney: Ted, Ted, Ted. Right here. Yes, we are.
Marshall: Sorry, buddy. Two against one.

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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