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<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
Baryney:Nice try, buddy.
Lily: Good hustle out there.
Ted:Screw that. This ain't over.
Marshall:You sat here, in this very booth,and you said...
Ted:I don't care what I said.This is gonna happen.She can't say it's not meant to be.It is meant to be.And you know why?Cause I mean it to be.
Lily: Unpause?
Marshall: Unpause.
Older Ted:__2__
Marshall: A painting fellowship?
Lily: I was never gonna take it.
Marshall: In California?
Lily: I was never gonna take it.
Barney:Ted, she is going on that camping trip.Dude, barring some act of God,Robin's gonna be with Sandy this weekend.
Barney:What are you talking about?
Ted:I'm gonna make it rain.I can't let Robin go camping with this guy.So how do I keep that from happening?Simple. I make it rain.
Barney:Ted, do you want me to slap you again? Cause I kind of enjoyed it the first time.
Ted:I might be crazy right now.No, you know what?I am definitely crazy right now.But I have a plan.That girl you used to go out with, Penelope.Wasn't she getting her PhD in Native American culture?
Barney: Yeah.
Ted: Are you still in touch with her?
Barney:Sure. __4__
Ted:Well, you're gonna need to get in touch with her.She's gonna teach me how to do a rain dance.
Barney: Did you just say a rain dance?
Ted: Yes.
Barney: A rain dance?
Ted: Yes.
Barney: A dance to make it rain.
Ted: Yes.
最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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