返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】失恋后的单身生活,巴尼叔带马修泡妞(2/3)


Marshall: What's the matter, four eyes, you got astigmatism or something? I'm sorry, I was trying to playfully disarm you, but I just got out of a long relationship. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm Marshall.
Woman: Hi, Marshall. Amy. Don't worry. I've been there. Hold on.
Barney: Nice recovery. I think it's working.
Marshall: Um, Amy. This is my friend, Barney. Barney, this is Amy.
Woman: Hi, Barney. Nice to meet you.
Barney: Hi. Amy, do you like... magic?
Marshall: I hate you.
Barney: I am so sorry. It's a sickness. I'm the real victim here.
Marshall: Twice. ___(填填看,一句话,首字母大写)___ That was my candy.
Barney: I know, but tonight...
Marshall: No. Forget it. You're such a jackass.
Barney: I thought you were gonna call me a jerk. All right, I'm sorry. I will make it up to you. Tonight, we'll go to a college bar near NYU--The Scorpion and the Toad. I figure in a younger crowd you'll seem more mature, more worldly and, as a third-year law student, more smarter.
Marshall: Okay, but no magic. How did you do that?
Barney: I'm taking a leak, dumb ass.


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