返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】失恋后的单身生活,巴尼叔带马修泡妞(1/3)


Barney: Do you like magic?
Woman: Um, I guess.
Woman: Oh, my God!
Barney: Anyway, Marshall, here is awesome. Salad in a bag? His idea.
Barney: Dude! You were awesome last night. ___(填填看,一句话,首字母大写)___
Marshall: You went home with her.
Barney: Yes, I did. But she told me that if it wasn't for me, you would have had a shot with her, so, in hypothetical terms, you scored last night. All right! Hypothetical high five. Nice. All right. Tonight, we're going to go to the bar...
Marshall: Barney, no, I am not going out with you ever again.
Barney: Come on! I'll, I'll teach you all of my strategies.
Marshall: Oh, really?
Barney: My favorite, number seven: create a mystery about yourself. That way, they become so intrigued, they have to hang out with you all night.
Marshall: Oh, come on, does that really work?
Barney: Maybe it does, and maybe it doesn't.
Marshall: Damn it, that's intriguing. Okay, I'm in.


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