返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E01-part1 眼见为实?


Lightman 是知名的谎言识别专家,尤其擅长通过面部表情和肢体语言发现隐藏的谎言。Lightman小组经常帮助执法机构查案。一位虞诚的教徒的孩子被目击证人指控谋杀了自己的老师。同时,小组还被任命查出一位高官性丑闻事件的真伪。



The mayor thanks you and Dr. Foster 1_______________________. This case is a 2__________. We got a juvenile offender, family of devout Jehovah's Witnesses. We gotta be real careful here.
Three day ago, James Cole, 16-year-old student at Jackson High, murdered his teacher, Susan McCartney. After Mr. Cole got into Mrs. McCartney's house, he smashed her head into a glass coffee table. He then was caught fleeing the house by two patrolmen. Been in custody here ever since.
3______________________about the McCartney murder?
Assistant US Attorneys Hutchinson and Estin.
The kid was at the scene of the crime; he had motive, means; and he resisted arrest.
And he failed a polygraph test.
It's murder one.
Well, I guess we're all here then: 4_____________; 5___________; and us, 6__________.
The US Attorney's office wants to try Cole as an adult. But if the mayor is gonna support sending a 16-year-old to prison for the rest of his life, he wants to be certain we're talking about a premeditated, cold-blooded murder. He wants you to 7_________________________________.
We'll need the crime scene photos and the autopsy report.
I thought you could tell somebody was lying just by looking at them.
The question is never simply if someone is lying; it's why.


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