返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E01-part 4 谁跟谁走一趟?


Lightman集团新增了一名成员:Torres女士,那么她是怎么招聘来的呢?O(∩_∩)O哈哈~看看这个面试的过程,还真是独具特色~~值得一提的是看Dr. Foster的表情,就知道他们这次是演戏了~~

The US attorney's office scheduled the transfer hearing. We have two days. I told the mayor's office we need to examine James' antecedent behaviors, so we're set to meet with his parents and his church group.
How you doing today, sir?
I'm great.
Could you step out of the line, please?
Any reason you 2____________ this morning, sir?
Only that I'll miss my flight.
I need you to open your briefcase for me.
You know what? I'm going to check it. It's the liquids, right?
Stop. T-3B. Backup, backup T-3B. 3_____________. You're going to need to come with us.
Actually, you need to come with us.
When you 4______________, I could tell you were jacked up about something.
That's 'cause I flashed you a partial fear expression.
5_________. Why were you trying to play me?
Six years ago, Dr. Lightman left the deception detection program he founded for the Defense Department. Together we started a private firm that works with police, corporations, and almost every federal agency. We'd like you to come work for us, Ms. Torres.
You've made 6_____________ arrests than the average TSA agent, and you scored 97% on the TSA deception diagnostic which Dr. Lightman created.
Have you ever had any specialized deception training?
I've 7________________.
You're 8___________________. There's in infinitesimal percentage of the population, less than .001, that tests nearly perfect without any advanced traing. We've already 9________________ with the TSA field director. Our office will call you later.
Oh, and, uh, don't forget your briefcase.
That's your 10_____________.



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