返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E04-part 2 疑似杀手出现



-Torres: Is something the matter, sir?
-Guest: Why, there a problem?
-Torres: _____________1___________?
-Guest: I told you nothing's the matter.
-Loker: Well, your eyebrows said different.
-Guest: What?
-Loker: They were raised and pulled together. That's _________2___________.
-Torres: Just empty your pockets, sir.
-Guest: Who are you people? You're not secret service.
-Dupree: I am.
-Torres: Enjoy the wedding, sir.
-Dupree: Good call.
-Torres: Didn't need your help.
-Dupree: _______3________.
-Loker: Ooh, he's into you.
-Torres: Yeah, right.
-Loker: What, you didn't see the micro-expression he flashed?  
-Torres: No, what was it?
-Loker: Well, ___________4_________.
-Torres: You are so lucky,I don't have a gun.
-Foster: Only you would tell somebody to cancel a wedding ten minutes before it starts.
-Lightman: Well, it was just a suggestion.
-Foster: __________________5_________________?
-Lightman: No, fortunately. Did you catch the ambassador's smile?
-Foster: It could _______6______. Maybe he looked down to show us respect.
-Lightman: It read embarrassment to me.
-Foster: I could dive into that cake fully clothed.
-Lightman: There's an image.
-Foster: I love weddings. They're such a beautiful celebration of love and hope. Plus there's cake.
-Lightman: Bride's pretending she's a virgin, the groom's pretending he's found "the one," and the in-laws are pretending they like each other. It's Christmas for liars.  
-Foster: And yet lovely.
-Lightman: You really are ____7____, aren't you?



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