返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E04-part 3 伴郎是凶手吗?



-Craywood: I don't know what you're talking about.
-Lightman: Yeah, you do.
-Craywood: I didn't have a fight with Won-Hee--I don't know ___________1__________.
-Lightman: 'Cause I've seen you. You've shown us three different ways already.  
-Foster: I get it. You were mad at Won-Hee,and he got hurt. And now you feel guilty.
You wonder if, in some way, you're to blame. But you know that's not true.
And the best way to help him now is _____________2____________.
-Craywood: He owes me $5,000.
-Foster: That doesn't explain what you're feeling.  
-Craywood: It's not about the money. ____________3___________. Not many people know.
He keeps it quiet. He's terrified his mother's family is going to find out.
They're old-school Korean--they'd cut him off if they knew what he was doing.
A few weeks ago, he asked me _____________4___________. I gave it to
Then, I found out _____________5___________, he put the money on another game.
That's when I got mad.
I ... I don't know how much he owes altogether now, but someone talked about hurting
I know that.
-Lightman: There you go. Feel better now?
-Aronson: All right, we _______________6___________. Backs up what the kid told you.
Busted credit, large cash deposits at erratic intervals.
-Foster: Sounds like gambling addiction.
-Lightman: We need to talk to the ambassador.
-Aronson: Well, go ahead; he's up in the residence. He just got there.  
I got to put down the riot that's brewing here. ____________7___________.
-Torres: Hey, you want me to keep talking to people or what?
-Lightman: No, go help Locker with the tapes.



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