返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E09-part2 骗婚?



-Kachauni: Thank you for meeting with me.
-Ria: What can we do for you today, Mr. Kachauni?
-Kachauni: I've read about your 1__________, and I had my people do a little research into the work you do here.
-Ria: Okay.
-Kachauni: Long and short is, I'm about to ask my girlfriend, Nadia, to marry me.
-Loker: Oh, mazel tov. It's a good thing you're starting young. It took my father five times to get it right. Affair, alcohol, green card problems, affair…
-Kachauni: So, when my company, networker, went public, I did, uh... well.
-Loker: Yeah, I'd call banking four-and-a-half billion dollars doing very well.
-Kachauni: Before I 2_________ to Nadia, I have to know if she loves me for the right reasons.
-Ria: What makes you think she doesn't?
-Kachauni: Nadia grew up with nothing. Her father was a short-order cook, in and 3___________. She's 4_________ with money her whole life: Student loans, credit card debt...
-Ria: So?
-Kachauni: So, right after my company went public, my partner's wife left him and took their two-year-old daughter. She used the little girl against him for a 5________________.
-Loker: So what is it you'd like us to do?
-Kachauni: Nadia says she had no idea who I was before we met. I just want to make sure she's telling the truth.
-Ria: Dr. Lightman does 6______________ for the FBI, TSA, police… we don't 7_________ into people's personal lives.
-Loker: But thanks for coming in. Your website's incredibly useful for reconnecting with girls who rejected me in middle
-Kachauni: Look, just do your boss a favor, and make a decision after you look.
-Ria: I think that's the micro expression for "8________."



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