返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E09-part5 八比一



-Stevens: Soon as the drills allow us to pull them through, we're gonna get your husband out of there.
-Valarie: Please. He's everything. Just 1________________.
-Stevens: Weill, Mrs. Blunt, I promise.
-Cal: Stevens! Stevens! You have to stop the drilling.
-Stevens: What are you talking about?
-Cal: Tell him.
-Mark Boulware: We can't drill-- there could be methane gas down there.
-Stevens: Methane
-Mark Boulware: If there's methane down there, Blunt's blowtorch could've ignited it, causing the explosions. The drills could set off another one!
-Stevens: Environmental testing was done on this site months ago. There's no signs of any gas.
-Cal: No, he took a bribe; proper inspections weren't done.
-Stevens: What?
-Mark Bouware: I went back over the old geologic surveys. Decades ago, this entire area was a 2__________, and there could be methane escaping up from it.
-Stevens: How could you have signed off 3________________________?
-Mark Boulware: Just stop the drills and 4_____________!
-Stevens: Methane testing takes hours. These men have been trapped for almost a full day. One man is dying down there. We could lose him while we do this testing.
-Cal: Someone paid this man not to do his job. You don't care who or why?
-Stevens: I'll let the cops deal with him. I'm not 5_________________. I am saving these men; we are drilling.
-Cal: Eight to one.
-Stevens: What?
-Cal: Eight to one. Average ratio of firefighter deaths in the U.S. compared to every other country, with the same training, effectiveness and equipment.
-Stevens: So What?
-Foster: We have a hero complex in this country. Our firefighters rush in too quickly, trying to live up to the expectation that they're heroes, and more of our men get killed.
-Stevens: 6_____________. And that is an order! Now!



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