返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E11-part2 毫无进展



-Corey: I was really hoping there would be some clarity by this morning.
-Lightman: We're still trying to 1_________ what these men are telling us.
-Foster: Kuransky looks like he's lying. But he's also 2______________. I've seen fear, anxiety, some paranoia.
-Corey: Which means...?
-Foster: He could be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
-Corey: You want to tell me how? Because he didn't fire his gun.
-Foster: It can be brought on by repeated exposure to violent events. If he's been a cop for over ten years, I mean, he's seen a lot.
-Corey: Okay, so if he's got PTSD, does that mean he's not lying?
-Lightman: Nope. We need to establish a baseline. I want to see what these guys look like when they're not 3__________. I want to see their service records, and I want video of them interviewing suspects.
-Corey:  I don't have time for a 4___________ study. What I needed was an answer. Thanks for your help.
-Lightman:  I heard there was another antipolice 5___________ in the eighth ward. How many arrested?
-Corey: Eighteen.
-Lightman: How many ended up in hospital?  
-Corey: Four.
-Lightman: All right. You give us what we want, we'll get you the truth. It's the only way to stop more people getting hurt, right?
-Corey: Fine.
-Ria: Look, there's a simple answer. Duke is telling the truth. Kid pulled a gun on him. Kuransky 's lying to 6___________ his partner.
-Foster: No. That doesn't explain why Kuransky is so agitated. There's something else going on with him.
-Lightman: Hey, it's time for that staff meeting.
-Foster: That's yours.
-Lightman: No, actually, it's yours.
-Ria: Wait. Since when do we have staff meetings?



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