返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E11-part4 抓错人了!



-Record (Adam): So Eric went out the door first. I was…Sorry, no. That's not right. I went out first. Eric followed me.
-Foster: Turn on the TV.
-Lightman: Hey, I don't see any signs of 1__________in Duke. If he's a spy, I mean, how's he hiding it?
-Foster: Turn on the TV.
-TV: What we are saying is this is a cover up, pure and simple. Why won't the authorities let Kuransky and Duke face their accusers?
-Lightman: No, that's not right. No, I spoke to the mayor. Why isn't Duke in custody?
-Foster:  The FBI's holding him. They won't turn him over to the DC police. National security.
-Record (Adam): Uh, as soon as the kid stepped out.
-Record (Questioner): And how far away from Ricks were?
-Record (Adam): maybe ten feet.
-Foster: What?
-Lightman: They're not gonna get anything out of Duke.
-Foster: Why?
-Lightman:  You said Kuransky was suffering  from dissociation because of being undercover, right?
-Foster: Yeah, yeah. Being undercover is hard to take.
-Lightman: Right. Was it a problem for Duke?
-Foster: No, not at all.
-Lightman: Well, if he's a terrorist, he's been 2___________longer than Kuransky. So his symptoms should be worse.
-Foster: Maybe they got it wrong. You know, maybe he's not a terrorist. I mean, that would explain why he didn't show any signs of deception. He wouldn't have been lying.
-Lightman: I've looked at over a dozen interrogations, and there's no sign of deception in Duke.
-Foster: Here it is. This is the one I've been looking for. It's Duke questioning a new Nazi.
-Suspect: I say this country is a whore bitch dechristianized, mongrelized, Obamanized. The streets are sewers filled with human trash. The cities reek with moral decay...
-Foster: Look at Duke. See that 3_________smile?
-Lightman: He's offended.
-Foster: Yeah, if he were a terrorist obsessed with attacking America, he wouldn't hate this guy; he'd agree with him.
-Lightman: Maybe he's not a sleeper.
-Foster: The FBI have been investigating Duke for over a year. How could they get it so wrong?
-Owen: Haven't you done enough? You already destroyed an undercover operation we spent years putting in place.
-Foster: It put the wrong man in 4________.
-Owen: Why? Because Duke doesn't have a personality disorder? Because he looked irritated when some skinhead yelled at him? 5__________________.
-Foster: You've been interrogating Duke. What have you gotten?
-Lightman: You've been on him for hours. You got nothing, right? You're starting to worry, starting to think you might have 6_______________. Can see it in your face. You can't afford to make a mistake here.
-Owen: Damn it. How did we 7_________________ about Duke?
-Foster: Well, you may have had some help. A photoshopped picture of Andre Ricks was given to the police.
-Owen: I don't know anything about that.
-Lightman:  I believe you. Then you got a bigger problem here than Duke. One of your people has gone rogue.



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