返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E13-part1 公车发生爆炸


一辆公车发生爆炸,警方拘捕了袭击者的足球队教练,Dr. Lightman要求见人,调查逐步展开。

-Reynolds: Everyone's in shock, but we've got to push forward right now.
-Foster: So what do you know?
-Reynolds: Well, it looks like the bomber was 19-year-old Jamal Bata. His parents converted to Islam in the '60s. They're now deceased. He has no 1________. And he attended a mosque in Northeast D.C. Right now we're talking to a friend of Bata's who 2_______ he couldn't get on the bus.
-Foster: Does the FBI have anyone in 3_______?
-Reynolds: Just 4__________ the coach of the bomber's soccer team. He's got ties to groups on our watch list.
-Lightman: Can I talk to him?
-Reynolds: Deputy Director Messler doesn't want anyone else in with the 5________.
-Lightman: Well, she's got "deputy" in her title for a reason. Can you go around her?
-Reynolds: Yeah, that sounds good, but that's just not how this works.
-Lightman: Oh, yeah? How does it work? Solitary confinement, stress positions at Guantanamo?
-Reynolds: Come on, now...
-Lightman: Or did you guys set up a new place now? What with all the bad 6________ and that?
-Reynolds: Listen, the Bureau has never supported extreme 7___________. And this administration doesn't either, okay?
-Lightman: Really?
-Foster: Cal, if we can identify other members of the cell at the 8_________…
-Lightman: Why don't you and Torres take that? Can you get me in with him?
-Reynolds: No guarantees.



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