返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E13-part3 爆炸的伪装



-Record (Kahn): It's unacceptable! Completely unacceptable! People who do things like this must be 1________!
-Kahn Where was this recorded? In our mosque?
-Lightman: Yeah.
-Kahn: Someone recorded 2__________________ in the mosque?
-Lightman: Absolutely. So you don't deny that was your voice, then? I'll take that as a no.
-Reynolds: Hey, Loker, do you have the shrapnel plotting from FBI forensics yet?
-Loker: Yeah. 3___________.
-Reynolds: Look how perfect the blast radius is. That bomb was small, 4__________.
-Loker: Yeah, well, it would have to be, if somebody slipped it into those kids' backpacks.
-Kahn: What are you accusing me of?
-Lightman: Someone planted bombs on Jamal Bata and your son.
-Kahn: Yes! They were murdered! My boy was murdered!
-Reynolds: Uh, you know... I'm thinking maybe it wasn't slipped in. I'm thinking maybe it was 5_________. Maybe someone gave them the bomb disguised as something else.
-Kahn: Do you think that I could sacrifice my own son?
-Lightman: Where's the sacrifice? I thought virgins awaited him.
-Kahn: Rasheed was killed by 6___________. My family and I, we are the victims.
-Loker: One of those kids played soccer. You pack a soccer ball with enough ball bearings...
-Reynolds: You got the right idea, but the concussion diameter was only 200 feet. The bomb wasn't that big.
-Loker: They teach you that at Quantico?
-Reynolds: A week in Tel Aviv with Shin Bet.
-Kahn: I am an American citizen. You can't treat me like this.
-Reynolds: Do we have info on what the shrapnel was?
-Loker: Yeah, this says small pieces of aluminum, glass shards, copper and nickel.
-Reynolds: Copper and nickel, huh? Just like on the bus?
-Loker: 7_____________. Forensics 8___________ part of that is from the coins in the fare box.
-Reynolds: Coins... copper and nickel. What if the coins are part of the bomb?
-Loker: The coins were the shrapnel.
-Reynolds: I think I know how the bombs were disguised.



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