返回 【kaka礼节美语】084 特殊要求2


公关部主任Janet Liu召集下属开会,询问中东代表团的活动安排。上次说到,不同宗教有不同的饮食习惯:穆斯林吃Halal, 犹太人吃 Kosher。让我们听听Janet还有什么建议。

Janet Liu: And you might also want to reconsider the trip to the Karaoke bar. Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol, although Jewish people can.

P: Wow, thanks for the info. We almost committed quite the social faux pas!

Janet提醒Silvia和Pete,穆斯林不喝酒,所以去酒吧唱卡拉OK恐怕有问题。Pete说自己差点儿犯了social faux pas社交错误。

J:---1---. It turned out half of them were vegetarian Hindus.

S: ---2---.

P: ---3---.

Janet承认,自己刚出道的时候也犯过错误,把印度人带到中国餐馆去吃饭,结果发现其中一半人是印度教徒,吃素。Silvia说,她会发电子邮件,fire off an email 给客人,询问他们有什么特殊的饮食要求。Pete说,会重新找个既能喝酒,也有其他饮料的地方。

J: ---4---. These people are our honored guests and it would have been terrible to offend them.

S: Absolutely, boss.

P: Yes, good points.

S: But what if we can't find a restaurant with Halal or Kosher food?

J: Check with them first, but one way to make sure everything is OK is to go to a vegetarian restaurant. Can't go too wrong with vegetables.


P: ---5---.

J: Good thinking. OK, I got to run. Keep me posted on the restaurant issue.

S: We were thinking of a pen set made of jade with a gold trim. The set is embossed with the name of the seminar and each participant's name.

P: Absolutely.

S: Wow, Pete. We really dodged a bullet there!

P: Well, as the old saying goes, "You live and you learn."

Pete忽然想到,客人里可能有人抽烟,所以要问问旅店是否允许吸烟。Janet临走时说I got to run. 我得赶紧走了。她还说,Keep me posted.有消息随时告诉我。

Janet走后,Silvia说,We really dodged a bullet. 躲过了一个枪子儿,意思是真悬,差点出错!Pete的回答是 "You live and you learn." 活到老学到老。


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