返回 【kaka礼节美语】116 涨价 1


MicroMax公司销售部主管Fred 给客户Tom打电话,讨论涨价的事情。

Susan (secretary): Hello, Tom Grossman's office. How may I help you?

Fred Lim: Hi, Susan. This is Fred Lim from MicroMax. Is Tom available for a second?

Susan: One moment, please. I'm connecting you now.

Tom: Hey, Fred. What's up?

F: Well, ---1---.

T: Uh, oh. Sounds serious.

秘书Susan帮Fred接通Tom的电话。Tom拿起电话来问,Hey, Fred, what's up?这是熟人之间见面,或是打电话一上来很常见的说法。直截了当,又很亲切。Fred说,本想发个电子邮件,后来觉得还是电话里说好,是什么重要的事呢?

F: It's about the last order your company placed with us.

T: Let's see...you mean the order for six containers of chipboards?

F: Yep, that's the one. ---2---.

T: That's never good.

订货要用动词place, to place an order. 供货商昨天电话通知Fred的公司,要涨价they are raising prices. 这可不是好消息。

F: Also, due to recent jumps in energy prices, our shipping agent is also upping fees. ---3---.

T: But Fred, this order is already in! I made it two weeks ago! You can't change prices on me like this.

F: I understand your position, Tom. But if we fill your order as is, we lose money. ---4---.

Fred抱怨说,油价贵了,运费也水涨船高,What I'm getting at is that....归根结底要涨价。Tom不同意,因为the order is already in. 货已经定好了,怎么还能涨价呢?Fred表示,if we fill your order as is, 如果按原样供货,就会赔钱。如果谈不拢,就只好cancel the order, 取消定单。

T: Well, how much more are you asking for?

F: We need to ask for another - are you sitting down? - 25%.

T: 25%! That's a huge increase, Fred!

F: Tom, ---5---. Your business is important to us, but this situation is out of our hands.

T: I understand that your company needs to make a profit. But it's going to be very hard for me to pass on these increases to our customers.



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