返回 【kaka礼节美语】135 年度工作表现 1



Fay: Hi there, Steve....grab a seat.

Steve: Hi, Fay. How are you this morning?

F: Very well, thanks. Great weather we've been having.

S: I know! Makes me want to sneak away from work and go hiking!

F: Yeah...hiking would be great right about now! Ok.---1---.....your bi-annual performance evaluation.

Steve的上司Fay让他随便坐,grab a seat, 是非常口语的说法,意思就是请坐。寒暄过后,谈正事吧。

S: So how did I do?

F: Well, in many areas you get high marks. ---2---.

S: That's good to hear. I enjoy being creative and I'm glad to see you appreciate that. Now what's the bad news?

F: (Chuckle) Well, ---3---.

S: And what are my areas?

Fay首先表扬Steve,说他很多方面都做得很好,get high marks, 得高分,尤其是他点子多 ,工作热情高。Steve问,So what's the bad news? 坏消息呢?意思是缺点呢?Fay婉转地说,we all have areas in which we could do better, 大家都有可以改进的地方。

F: ---4---. You've been clocking in roughly 20 to 30 minutes late almost every day.

S: But I moved last month and the office is almost 40 miles away from my home now! Sometimes the traffic is really terrible.

F: Yeah, I know. I also live out in the suburbs. Sometimes I'm stuck in traffic for 45 minutes! But, as you know, ---5---.

首先是准点上班的问题,the issue of punctuality. Steve几乎每天迟到二、三十分钟,to clock in, 指进办公室的时间,to clock out, 则是指离开办公室的时间。Steve解释说,这是因为他最近搬家,路上堵车。Fay表示理解,说自己有时也会stuck in traffic for 45 minutes, 有时路上会堵45分钟,可是公司要求员工九点准时到办公室。

S: Yeah...I know...but it's really been tough for me lately! Can you possibly make an exception?

F: If it were up to me, I'd love for everyone to come in at noon. But I can't make exceptions; otherwise everyone else will be unhappy. ---6---.

S: All right. I guess I'm just going to have to wake up an hour earlier.

F: Sounds like a good plan.

Steve问Fay能不能make an exception, 破例,让他稍微晚点到。Fay说,如果依她,if it were up to me, 大家中午到都行,但是公司的规定,每个人都要遵守。除了上班迟到,Steve还有哪些缺点,我们下次继续听。


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