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Jason: Goodnight, Larry! I'm heading home. It's been a long day.

Larry: Goodnight, Jason. Have a good evening.

Wanda: You're not going home, Larry?

L: Na...thought ---1---.

J: But it's already 9:30! How many more hours do you plan to work?

L: Oh, I'd say this project will be done in six hours or so.

W: ---2---? Larry...have you ever heard of "karoshi?"

Jason准备下班回家,I'm heading home. Larry却说要把手头项目做完,finish up the project. 当时已经九点半了,Larry估计还要六个小时才能完事,所以一定要熬夜,work through the night. Wanda问Larry听没听说过karoshi.

L: Karaoke?

W: No...karoshi, the Japanese word for death by overwork! You've been putting in overtime every night this week!

J: You know, Wanda has a point. We all need some down time. ---3---.

L: So people in Japan actually die from working too hard?

W: Yep. It's becoming a big problem. More than 100 people die from overwork in Japan every year.

原来,karoshi是个日本词,意思是工作过度而死,俗称过劳死,Wanda说,日本每年有一百多人过劳死,劝 Larry不要太玩命,put in too many hours, 工作太长时间。Jason也说,We all need some down time. 所有人都要劳逸结合,down time就是放松的时间。


L: But I have so much to do, it seems the best way to get it all done is to plow through it until it's complete!

J: Well, ---4---.

W: These days we are connected to each other with computers, cell phones and email...and that means ---5---. If you're not careful, you'll never get time off!

Larry说,自己永远有做不完的事。Jason警告他说,you might be shooting yourself in the foot. 这样做可能是在搬起石头砸自己的脚,因为现在有电脑、手机,工作随时随地会找上门来,如果不小心,you'll never get time off,就永远没有时间休息。

J: ---6---. Did you know you will have more creative ideas if you are well-rested?

L: These days I hardly have any good ideas. I drink a lot of coffee and I always finish my work, but I'm not having many creative ideas.

W: ---7---. You know how you have to "defragment" your computer? Well, sometimes our brains need some defragmenting, too!

科学家说,大脑需要休息,休息好了,就能有更多的创意,creative ideas. Wanda也表示,不能让大脑负荷过重,overload, 人脑跟电脑一样,也需要defragmenting,清理清理。


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