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公司开会, 经理Nick高兴地宣布,

Nick: Well folks...I've got good news! Everything is finalized and we will be setting up a booth at the trade fair in Frankfurt!

(Sound of people clapping)

Elaine: That's great news! The application process was so difficult, but I'm glad we made it!

Mark: ---1---!

公司在法兰克福纺织品博览会上申请到了一个展台we will be setting up a booth。法兰克福纺织品博览会是世界上规模最大的纺织品展示会,能去参加,有个presence,当然是好消息。 Presence is spelled p-r-e-s-e-n-c-e, presence,在这里是出席、在场的意思。

N: But...now comes the hard part. We're going to need to do a lot of preparation work before we leave.

E: ---2---. I'm not really fond of the old one...It looks a little drab.

M: Yeah, I agree. Let's get our design team to create a new one.

N: Sounds good. ---3---. It's got to capture your attention right away.

展台申请到了,now comes the hard part. 意思是现在剩下不好办的事情了。出发前有很多准备工作要做。Elaine建议重新设计一个宣传小册子,因为原来的看起来有 drab, drab is spelled d-r-a-b, drab 意思是枯燥、乏味。经理Nick表示赞成,因为宣传小册子必须 eye-catching, 吸引眼球。So it can capture your attention right away,立刻引起人的注意。

M: That's one thing about trade fairs; there are so many items on display it's easy for our products to blend into the background. ---4---.

E: Good thinking! I'll talk to the designers about how we can make our booth stand out.

N: We'll be sending two teams to the trade show. One team will be the face of our operation and the other team will provide support.

Mark说,博览会上展台多,让人看得眼花缭乱,自己的产品很容易就会淹没在汪洋大海之中。在这里,Mark用了两种说法,一个是 to blend into the background,另外一个是to get lost in the crowd,意思都是跟别人差不多,放那儿就找不着了。

Elaine说,应该让设计展台的人想办法,to make our booth stand out,让我们的展台与众不同。Nick同意,决定派两班人马去参展,一组人做门面,be the face of our operation;另外一组人提供后勤保障。


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