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Todd: OK, Ann, you spent quite a bit of time in Australia recently so why don't you talk about that?
Ann: 1.____________________(University of Sydney; 5句话:I ;I ;And ;There;And  )
Todd: Mm-mm. How long were you there?
Ann: I was there for almost a year.
Todd: Oh, OK.
Ann: And I travelled a little bit in Australia. I went up the east coast. Up to Frasier Island, which is a world heritage site. And I saw dingoes running along the beach and sharks in the water. We climbed cliffs and went through a rainforest and went camping and then we went up to the Whitsundays, which is a bit further north. 2.________________(2句话。And ;So )
Todd: So, did you, did you lose your finger?
Ann: Almost.
Todd: Almost. Ah, you're lucky. Um, it's funny, you go in the water and you worry about sharks, but not clams.
Ann: Exactly.
Todd: Will you be going back to Australia soon?
Ann: I'd like to go and live there for at least another year. Probably I'll go back to Sydney or maybe I'll go down to Melbourne because it's a really interesting cultural city. They have lot of museums and parks.
Todd: OK. You gotta choose real quick, only one city, Montreal or Sydney, which do you choose?
Ann: Sydney, without a doubt.
Todd: OK. All right. Thanks a lot.
Ann: You're welcome.


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