返回 【妙招大看台】如何变得沉着冷静




True serenity comes from within, but even Buddhists can use a little jump start now and then.

Step 1:
Laugh as often as you can. [-------1-------]
People with a strong sense of humor are less prone to depression and anxiety.
Step 2:
Find time for friends and family. [-------2-------]
Step 3:
Take charge of your life—even if that means standing up to a controlling loved one or finding a job that gives you more freedom. [-------3-------]
Step 4:
Start a career doing what you love. A Swedish study found that people who work hard at something they find fulfilling are more satisfied with their lives.
No matter how much you love your job, take vacations: people who don't are more
[-------4-------] heart attacks!
Step 5:
A study of women who kept a daily mood diary found that watching TV at night was their daily relaxation peak.
Step 6:
Get more sleep. A major impediment to serenity is fatigue due to lack of sleep.
Step 7:
Go for a hike, take a walk on the beach, or garden—just get outside. Scientists believe that we're actually hard-wired to relax when we're in the presence of the natural world, including plants and animals.
Step 8:
Go with the "flow," which is the state of intense well-being that occurs when we are so
[-------6-------] that we lose all track of time—researchers say this is a key to contentment.
Step 9:
[-------7-------] Studies show it helps us want what we already have — the true key to happiness.



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