返回 【猫鼠游戏】S01E08 我们只想查出幕后黑手



P: All right, you're gonna interview with a guy named Brad.
N: Of course his name is Brad. You think I can keep up with these guys? Peter, I'm flattered.
P: Oh, give me a break. You could sell light switches to the Amish. Madison Cookler -- that's our girl on the inside. Yeah. Exactly.     1     
N: What's her role in all this?
P: The guys transfer the calls, after they make a sale, to her. She takes down all the buyer's information.     2      We went fishing with several of our own front companies. They took the bait on that one. Rhymer pharmaceutical.
N: And you got a tap on every phone in the place.
P: Yep.     3      But the sales are real. We just wanna know who's behind it all.
N: So do I.
P: What's that?
N: Nothing. For me? Peter, I didn't get you anything.
R: "For me? Peter, I didn't get you anything."
P: We call it an eagle. Recorder, transmitter, GPS.     4     
N: Love it.
P: We need to cut your anklet on this one.
N: Love it even more.
P: No, you don't. After your last escape, we need a home run.     5     
N: Well, let's prove them wrong.
P: Yeah. Or else you're headed back to maximum security.
N: Glad some things never change.


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