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A: Mr. Edison. Glad to meet you.
P: No, you're not.
A: Direct. I like that.
P: I know what you're doing to my company. Rhymer pharmaceutical isn't worth all that attention.     1     
A: You have proof I bought any shares?
P:     2      I may not work on Wall Street, but that doesn't mean I can't smell a shark in a suit. You're making a move, some kind of a move, and you're setting yourself up big. That's what guys like you do.
A: Why are you here, Mr. Edison?
P: Bottom line?
A: Yeah.
P: I want in. The money you stand to make from taking over my company means that you owe me board membership to your firm. I'm not talking about controlling interest, just a taste of the profit.
A: Or what?
P: Or I talk to the feds.     3     
A: Do you know who I am?
P: Yeah, I'll give you until Monday to give me your projected earnings.     4      I wanna know what I stand to make.
A: Tell you what. I'm having a little get-together this weekend.
P:     5     
A: If we do business off the books, we should discuss it off the clock.
P: Fair enough. What do you have in mind?


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