返回 【尼基塔】S01E19(02)Nikita等人将计就计



Nikita: How could you do this? You knew we were planning her __(1)__, and now you're sending her on an overseas mission?

Michael: I'm not sending her anywhere. By the time Percy looped me in, she and Jaden had already been picked.

Nikita: You could have fought it.

Michael: On what __(2)__? You want Percy to start asking questions? It'd put her in more danger.

Nikita: We do it tonight then.

Alex: What?

Nikita: __(3)__ your death, car accident, like we said. Your ID packet's all ready to go. We'll stage it on the way to the airport.

Michael: Out of the question. We have a very tight window on this mission, and losing Alex would jeopardize that.

Nikita: This mission? A division mission.

Michael: It's good mission.

Nikita: Good for who? Percy?

Michael: For our country. This nerve toxin can be used in a terrorist __(4)__.

Nikita: Or to line Percy's pockets?

Michael: He won't get his hands on it. I've designed the __(5)__ to completely incinerate the toxin.

Alex: What if it killed me, too? We're supposed to blow up the lab, right? What if we faked my death on the mission?

Michael: That's too risky. Nikita, that is too risky.


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