返回 【尼基塔】S01E21(02)Birkhoff被软禁



Michael: Birkhoff.

Birkhoff: Michael. Dude. Okay, listen to me, man. Just listen. You have to kill Nikita.

Michael: Ok.

Birkhoff: I mean, I know __(1)__ reluctance and everything, but you have to.

Michael: Birkhoff, you look like you need some air.

Birkhoff: You think? I'm on __(2)__ here, Michael. Confined to division. Did you see those two deltoids over there? They have to follow me everywhere I go. They even __(3)__ me to the bathroom, Michael.

Michael: Percy ordered this?

Birkhoff: He doesn't want her to learn about Sparrow before it's hatched. He thinks she's gonna try and decrypt the black box number three. And he is __(4)__ she's gonna try to put a gun to my head to do it.

Michael: Yeah, that's pretty crazy.

Birkhoff: Yeah. Oh, that's just the beginning. Keeping me here under lock and key is just phase one. Percy is taking out everyone who even has a chance of breaking the encryption.

Michael: Who's he __(5)__?

Birkhoff: Targeted.


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