返回 【尼基塔】S01E22(03)昔日同伴,反目成仇(1)



Alex: I don't want any trouble.

Nikita: Should have thought of that before you __(1)__ me.

Alex: I was trying to save your life. If I didn't do something, we'd both be dead. I was __(2)__, but I'm clear now. I just came by to get my I.D. packet and then I'm gonna go.

Nikita: Alex, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Alex: Then drop your gun.

Nikita: Drop yours. Let's talk about what this is really about, or what you think it's about. They told you I killed your father.

Alex: You were just following orders, right?

Nikita: No, our orders were to kill your __(3)__ family. I chose to divide those orders and get you out. It was the first time I ever took a __(4)__ against Division. I headed toward your bedroom. I didn’t have a choice.

Alex: Why didn't you just tell me the truth?

Nikita: It was just never the right time. I didn't know how you would react.

Alex: No, you just didn't trust me __(5)__ to handle it. So now I can't trust you.


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