返回 【尼基塔】S02E01(01)Nikita和Michael的分歧



Nikita: How much did we get?

Michael: Just enough to __(1)__ our next mission. Barely. And this is what we have left over. Would you like to buy groceries or ammo this month? Because we can't have both.

Nikita: There's the third choice.

Michael: What's that?

Nikita: Well, we take all this, and you and I buy a little __(2)__ in the non – extradition country of our choice.

Michael: There's nowhere we can go where Division won't find us. Taking them down is the only way to get free.

Nikita: Well, they're not looking for us, Michael. They're looking for this box. They're afraid of what we're gonna do with their secrets.

Michael: Good, they should be.

Nikita: I mean, they're afraid we'll go to the __(3)__, plunge the world into __(4)__, start World War .

Michael: Yeah, but we would have done that already. Where are you going with this? You want to give that back to them?

Nikita: In pieces. I would destroy it. I'd give them __(5)__ it was destroyed.

Michael: Nikita… Every dirty Division op is on this box, and this is our chance to set things right.

Nikita: Yeah, but what if we make it worse?

Michael: How? How would we do that?

Nikita: Sometimes, Michael, you try to do the right thing, and you just – you cause more damage.


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