返回 【尼基塔】S02E07(03)监狱里的不速之客



Ryan: Jonathan Gaines. I'd ruled you out.

Jonathan: Excuse me?

Ryan: I didn't think oversight would have any members from the __(1)__ sector.

Jonathan: We mustn't forget I was chairman of the S.E.C.

Ryan: Yeah, your country thanks you for your __(2)__. I guess it makes sense, though. There's only so many dollars one can __(3)__ from pentagon black budgets until it gets suspicious. Oversight needs some love from wall street to keep them plotting in style. That's where you come along.

Jonathan: You're like a dog with a bone, aren't you? I read your company file. Boy with the crystal ball.

Ryan: Expect nobody wants to hear what I see in there.

Jonathan: No. Government conspiracies can be very __(4)__. No one needs that right now. But, hey, I was interested in how you read the tea leaves on me. How'd you spot the pattern?

Ryan: Was it supposed to be hard?

Jonathan: Don't sell yourself short. I designed that system to be __(5)__.

Ryan: Well, let's just say you're not as clever as you think you are. If I can spot the pattern, somebody else can.

Jonathan: I don't think so.


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