返回 【尼基塔】S02E08(02)Alex和Percy的交易



Alex: I don't have to be here.

Percy: Actually, you do. If I told Amanda you warned Nikita about dear old dad, you might just lose your head. Speaking of Nikita, now that you two are palling around again, you got any __(1)__ ideas on how you might be able to get that black box back? Does put you in a bit of a pickle, doesn't it? If you don't get Amanda the box, she won't get to the resources you need to __(2)__ Semak.

Alex: What do you want?

Percy: I want you to think about what you really need in order to take out Semak. __(3)__? Weapons? Nothing you couldn't buy on your own.

Alex: If I had the money, which I don't.

Percy: But what if you did? See, I just happen to have this __(4)__ account with some funds that need shuffling. You make a transfer for me, I'll give you 100,000 bucks. That should be enough to get your mission off the ground, don't do you think?

Alex: Why would you need to make a transfer? You can't buy anything in here.

Percy: Amanda's been trying to get her hands on that money ever since she __(5)__ me. And I'm not about to let her get it.


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