返回 【尼基塔】S02E08(03)Cassandra的真实身份



Cassandra: Thanks for thinning out the ranks. Six men was a bit much, even for me. Especially when your __(1)__ to Fentanyl isn't what it used to be.

Nikita: How did you…

Cassandra: Fight like you? I didn't. Americans use krav maga. We at MI6 practice straight jiu – jitsu.

Michael: Wait, you're British __(2)__? That entire time in Belarus…

Cassandra: I had been __(3)__ in my cover for two years when you began your op.

Michael: So, so you were lying when –

Cassandra: When I met you, lying to me? Yes.

Michael: You knew I was an agent.

Cassandra: I suspected as much. Figured you could be a __(4)__ source of intel. Listen, right now I just want to get Max.

Nikita: Max is fine, we checked on him.

Michael: Does MI6 know that Max is…

Cassandra: No, they think he's Ovechkin's, and I plan to keep it that way.

Nikita: Look, Tupelov doesn't know we took out his men, but he will in a couple hours when the money doesn't go through, our window is closing.

Cassandra: Then we have to __(5)__ him before his deadline.


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