返回 【尼基塔】S02E09(01)Alex准备去俄罗斯



Alex: After Division burned it down, Sergei Semak rebuilt it. He lives in it now.

Sean: With no __(1)__, I'm sure you could just walk right in, put a bullet in him.

Alex: I'm going to Russia, and I'm going to kill him. So don't try to talk me out of it.

Sean: How do you plan on getting into Russia? If you had Division support, you could hop a C - 130 out of Ramstein, __(2)__ in –

Alex: Oh, is that how Captain America would do it?

Sean: Lieutenant __(3)__, and, yes, I would. Semak still his own division hunting you, remember?

Alex: He won't see me coming.

Sean: Yeah? Zetrov owns two airlines and two shipping firms, which means Semak has every __(4)__ official in his back pocket – land, sea, and air. There's no way Alexandra Udinov gets back into Russia.

Alex: She doesn't. I'm going as someone else. Someone that I used to be.

Sean: You're going back the same way you came in.

Alex: Illegally and completely under the __(5)__.

Sean: You really did your homework.

Alex: Yeah, that's something Nikita taught me. If you don't want to go to plan B, have a good plan A.


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