返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E15(04)Lie Lie Again



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B: I don't get it. This always fixes it.
E: Well.      1   
B: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
E: I was talking about the car.
B: Yeah. You sure about that?
E: Yes. You know what, just leave it alone. I can call a cab.
B:      2   
E: I'm not meeting a date. This ticket was given to me by the P.T.A. One ticket.      3    Are you going on a date? Oh, my God. You're going on a date.
B: Ella, I don't want to...
E: You bought a new shirt for this person. Why didn't you just say something?
B: Because this is not something I wanna discuss.
E:      4   
B: Ella.
E: What?
B:      5    Remember?
E: I think I need to call a cab. Uh, if I'm going to make it on time.
B: No, I'll drive you.
E: No, no, no. We both don't have to be late.
B: No. You're not gonna be late, and neither am I. All right? It's fine. I'll drive you.




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