返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E15(05)Lie Lie Again



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S: Keep your voice down.
A: Why? Nobody's home.
S: Yeah, but Melissa could come home any minute.
A: Good. I want her to.
S: Why are you making me do this? Why do you care if she knows?
A: I'm not making you do anything, Spencer. I'm telling you, by tomorrow morning Melissa will know everything.      1   
S: Fine. I'll tell her. You win. But this is it.      2   We all are.
A: You trying to get me voted off the island? It won't work.
S: Well.      3   
A: I made you, Spencer. I made all of you. Before me, you were just some goody-goody in plaid who did whatever mommy and daddy told her to.
S: You are so full of yourself!      4   
A: But you are. Don't you see that? You don't exist without me.
S: Really, Ali? Then tell me this... What is a leader without any followers?      5    And as as I'm concerned, you are dead to me already.




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