返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E16(04)Misery Loves Company


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P: Thanks for meeting me. I'm sorry you had to lie to Hanna.
C:      1     
P: It took me and Emily so long to get to a place where we could trust each other. If she knew we were doing this.
C: Same with Hanna.      2     
P: I've been running scared since the Lighthouse, getting more afraid every day. Then the other night I realized I'm not afraid for me. I'm afraid for Emily.      3     
C: Yeah. We know that Mona has people watching their every move.      4     So while the girls are playing sitting duck, I'm ready to circle the pond and--
P: Nail her psychotic butt to the wall.
C: Yeah, something like that. Before she went to Radley, Mona had, like, all the girls' secrets locked away in a motel room-- they were her trophies.
P: Her prized possessions.
C: That's what she used to keep the girls from going to the cops.
P:      5     


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